To highlight the 100th anniversary of Persil, the Persil Event & Exhibition Vessel has been designed to function as an interactive exhibition platform for building up consumer relations and was sent on tour from may to the end of july 2007.
In a record-breaking time period of 7 month the old coal carrier „Purity“ was converted to an exhibition on two levels. 17 cities with 35.5 event days were visitied with an overall attendance of 41.851 visitors.
In close cooperation with Juniper Group, who were in charge for all communication activities around the roadshow, Global Sunshine Production developed an interactive exhibition for Persil and sent on the road. Visitors got an insight of the history of washing and detergents all the way to a glance into the future and innovation ahead of us. As the consumers of tomorrow a special edutainment area was developed for kids.
Background Facts
Timeframe 7 months of ideas, conception, detailed planning and implementation 3 month event activation
Manpower 14 people Inner – circle Team 36 suppliers and service providers